1. In the early 1900s, Eastman _____ inexpensive Brownie box cameras.
a. it developed
b. it was developed
c. developed
d. developing

2. _____ the discovery of the fossilized remnants of tides in one-billion-year-old rocks.
a. Geological reports
b. Geologists report
c. The reports of geologists
d. Geologists’ reports

3. The Brooklyn Bridge _____ took thirteen years to complete.
a. in New York
b. is in New York
c. it is in New York
d. which New York

4. Genes control all of the physical _____ we inherit.
a. that traits
b. that are traits
c. traits that
d. traits are that

5. Indigo can be extracted from a plant, and then _____ to dye cloth blue.
a. it
b. using
c. using it
d. it can be used

6. _____ in the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.
a. The average third-grader
b. The third grade is average
c. There are three grades
d. Three average grades

7. Researchers have begun studying what _____ is on human circadian rhythms.
a. it is the effect of light
b. the light affects
c. in affecting the light
d. the effect of light

8. If calcium oxide remains exposed to air, ___ to calcium carbonate.
a. turning
b. turns
c. it turns
d. the turn

9. Some early batteries used concentrated nitric acid,_____ gave off poisonous fumes.
a. they
b. then they
c. but they
d. but they had

10. The sound produced by an object ____ in a periodic way involves more than the simple sine wave.
a. it vibrates
b. vibrating
c. is vibrating
d. vibrates

11. Prior to the discovery of anesthetics in 1846, surgery was done ____ was still conscious.
a. while the patient
b. the patient felt
c. during the patients
d. while patiently

12. The drastic decline of the beaver helps to illustrate what ____ to the ecosystems of the North American continent.
a. happening
b. the happening
c. has happened
d. about happening

13. The use of shorthand died out in the Middle Ages because of ____ with witchcraft.
a. the association was imagined
b. associate the imagination
c. imagine the association
d. the imagined association

14. A yacht is steered with a rudder, ____ the flow of water that passes the hull.
a. which deflecting
b. deflects
c. it deflects
d. which deflects

15. For top speed and sudden acceleration, the accelerator pump feeds additional gasoline from the float chamber into _______ above the venturi tube.
a. the air it flows
b. the airflow
c. the air is flowing
d. flows the air


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